Monday, May 17, 2010

Living wages

Today i had HRM(Human Resource Management) University Exam and there was one question which i had not went through during preparation... Even then i had attempted and ironically it was write.
i would like to share that question and answer with you.
define living wage?

Living wage

Living wage is a term used to describe the minimum hourly wage necessary for shelter (housing and incidentals such as clothing and other basic needs) and nutrition for a person for an extended period of time (lifetime). In developed countries such as the United Kingdom or Switzerland, this standard generally means that a person working forty hours a week, with no additional income, should be able to afford a specified quality or quantity of housing, food, utilities, transport, health care, and recreation.

This concept differs from the minimum wage in that the latter is set by law and may fail to meet the requirements of a living wage. It differs somewhat from basic needs in that the basic needs model usually measures a minimum level of consumption, without regard for the source of the income.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

how to install drupal in the linux

How to Install Drupal in ubuntu ?

>First we get drupal package :-
We need to obtain our copy of Drupal so type in
“sudo wget”
this will download the Drupal file into your current directory.

> We need to unpack the files issue the command
“tar –zxvf drupal-6.13.tar.gz”
this will extract the files into a folder in your home directory

>We need to make a directory in the web root folder to keep the Drupal files in. To do this type in
“sudo mkdir /var/www/drupal”

>We need to move the Drupal content over to the web folder. Type in
“sudo mv drupal-6.13/* drupal-6.13/.htaccess /var/www/drupal”

>We need to set up folders for media associated with the site to do this issue “sudo mkdir /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files”
“sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files

>We need to copy and set the Drupal initial config file. To do this we first set copy the settings file by issuing
“sudo cp /var/www/drupal/sites/default/default.settings.php /var/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php”

then we need to make sure this file is accessible by issuing the command

“sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php”

>NEXT we install the following packages:-
apache2 ,php5-mysql, php5-gd ,libapache2-mod-php5 ,mysql-server
Using command on terminal " sudo apt-get install apache2 " similarly other packages

> Then Next we need to make sure there is a database in MySQL that Drupal can use.

Where drupal is the name you picked for the mysql database that Drupal will use. You can call it anything you want.
mysql -u root -p  mysql > create database drupal;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES ON drupal.* TO 'drupaluser'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'drupalpass';
Quit the mysql prompt:   
myspl> \q  
> Now we need to restart Apache to make sure the settings take effect.
 Type in “sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart”

Final Installation Settings

>open browser and type http://localhost/drupal/ or http://localhost/drupal/index.php

Drupal now needs setting up, most of it is self explanatory but here are the steps:
1) Click on install Drupal in English
2) Type in the database name in this example it was called ‘Drupal’
3) Type in the username for the MySQL account for Drupal in this example it is ‘drupaluser’
4) Type in the password for the username in this example it is ‘drupalpass’
5) Enter in a site name I am calling my one ‘Intranet’
6) Site Email address is for whatever email address you want to associate with the site.
7) Type in an administrator name I will keep this straight forward and call it ‘Administrator’
8.) Choose and confirm the password for this user.
9) Choose the time zone you are located in.
10) Uncheck check for updates automatically. (I want it as it is then update it when I want to)
11) Save and continue
12) Then click on ‘your new site’.

Things To do In University Exams

Well, the topic seems bit strange to the reader but really if you are a university student then this title must raise your ears .
I am a pre-final year student in the Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana(india) my college is under ptu (Punjab technical University ) jalandhar. after spending three years in the university i concluded few things that are very help full in the ptu exams . these things are nothing to take with your subject knowledge :) .... interesting naa.....
that simply means without any subject knowledge or with very little subject knowlege you can attain good marks.

following are the few things that can be very help full in the ptu exams:-

1)Don't worry about the content your writing but your over all presentation should be good because checker hardly spent 2-minutes to each paper. he just saw how well you have present you thought.

2)To make good presentation use black pen, pencil underlining and other designing stuff. NOTE- you can write any thing related to answer but that should look good.

3)Never leave any answer blank. No matter you know the answer or not. Remember one thing SOMETHING WRITTEN IS BETTER THEN WRITTEN NOTHING.

4)Use diagrams for making your thoughts more clear in the answers. if you have understanding of answer then make your own diagram and relate it to the answer.

5) If you not have any idea about the question asked in the exam then break the question in sub parts and generate the meaning of each part and relate them to each other you will definitely get a long story to write .

6)In very long answer type use DDD technique thats id (Definition, Diagram, Description).

7)Fill half Page for 2-marks answer, 2 pages(both side) for 4-marks , 4 pages(both sided) for 8-marks.

8) you should more believe in 10 year(M.B.D) instead of your text books.
9) After exams Don't refer your text books to compare your answers. you may get disappointed for the next exam.
10) Result does not depend on your performance in exam but on the checker style of checking.
11) even if you got Re-appear don't worry . it the process of university for collecting the funds to compile their losses. take a deep breathe and give some donation(form fees) to university.
Daljeet Singh Pathania